[View Tutorial]
The Design Wizard allows you to create a new design from a template, or from a blank layout, quickly and easily. You simply choose a layout then an optional template and enter or select the user information you want to appear in the design. In just seconds you can have a new design ready to be printed.
You can also create your own templates to use with the Design Wizard. (See Creating and Modifying Templates)
Using the Design Wizard
1. Select your Paper Stock
See Selecting a Layout
Click Next
Choose a template from the template list. If no templates are available or you want to start with a blank design select << None >>.
NOTE: If you want to use a template designed for a different paper stock check the Show All Templates checkbox. This is useful for placing a design created for a small paper stock on a larger paper stock.
Click Next
Choose an Optional Background
Choose a background category and a background from the background list if desired. Some templates are designed to be used with a background and other are not. You can decide if you want to you a background or not with a particular template for yourself.
Click the Select Background button to choose a background that is not listed. (see Picking a Graphic)
Click the Clear Background button to clear the background if you already selected one and no longer want a background..
Click Next
Enter Optional Information
Enter the information you want to appear in your design or click the Pick button to pick information from one of your Personal Databases
Click the Use a Database Field
Click Finish to create your design.
Edit the design as needed.
Once your design is created from a template you can edit it by adding text and graphics, changing colors, alignment, backgrounds and effects, etc.
If you want to print your design on a paper stock with a different layout, you can use the Switch To Different Layout
For designs that have multiple regions (folded business card, for example) the design wizard helps you design the primary region on the front of the design. You can manually switch to other regions (cover, inside cover, inside, etc.) and design them if desired once the design is created. See Regions